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Category: Prosperity

Aero Team Eindhoven

Aero Team Eindhoven

Team info

Bram Schut


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Looking for team members interested in autonomous flight, structural design and avionics. Also looking for a new board for 2023/2024

Contact us

The Mission

Redefine flying. Our mission at Aero Team Eindhoven is to revolutionize the world of package delivery by redefining the concept of flying. While many companies focus on last-mile delivery, the range limitations of drones make long-range flights impractical. To address this issue, we have developed ground stations in remote areas, enabling our battery-swap system to extend the range of drones for use in hard-to-reach locations with difficult terrain or unsafe conditions. Our charging systems can be deployed in these areas, allowing drones to cover vast distances and deliver packages to areas previously inaccessible by traditional means.

The Challenge 

Aero Team Eindhoven aims to enable efficient delivery of critical packages through the use of drones. However, the major challenge lies in the limited battery life of the drones. A drone carrying a moderately heavy package can only stay airborne for roughly an hour, and scaling up operations can only improve the range to a certain extent through the use of more efficient drones or improved battery technology.

The Solution

Our team has developed a novel solution to address this issue: in-air battery swaps. This innovative approach involves recharging a cargo drone while it's still in the air, by using a more mobile drone to swap its depleted battery with a fully charged one. By implementing this technique, the cargo drone can fly continuously, allowing for faster and sustainable delivery of packages over longer distances.



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