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Category: Planet

Team Daedalus

Team Daedalus

Team info

Carl De Liedekerke Beaufort
Alexia Voicu
Raashini Sundarapandian Raani


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

We are looking for pilots who are willing to commit to learning and flying the drone. Additionally, anyone who is interested in drones/ creating an impact can look at our website to see more details on other possible roles.

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The Mission

Team Daedalus aims to pioneer drone technology to create more cohesive protection for ecosystems and local communities impacted by wildfires. The team’s vision is to create affordable solutions in order to democratize the power of aerial surveillance and provide support for well-meaning institutions. To this end, the mission for the team is to develop an autonomous solar-powered drone capable of 24 hours of flight.

The Challenge 

Team Daedalus aims to empower humanitarian institutions through a platform for sustained aerial surveillance. By developing a semi-autonomous solar-powered drone, the team is creating a useful tool for wildfire detection and monitoring. Students are currently focusing on creating prototypes iteratively, with the goal of reaching 24h of continuous flight within the following few years.

The Solution

To overcome the limitations of satellites, low-altitude endurance-based drones can be utilized. By working together with existing infrastructure, this technology would provide governments and NGOs with higher-quality data. Therefore, Team Daedalus is developing an autonomous solar-powered drone capable of 24 hours of flight. The drone will be equipped with both optical and thermal cameras enabling higher precision surveillance of high-risk/ongoing wildfires. Moreover, as it is an unmanned system, it poses little to no risk to operators; helicopters or manned airplanes require pilots to operate in dangerous conditions.


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