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Category: Prosperity

ISA - Info Serving Assistant

ISA - Info Serving Assistant

Team info

Stig Wesselink


We are looking for new team members with the following skills

Creative, out of the box thinking and not afraid to learn new skills

Contact us

The Mission

Make large and complex problems understandable for everyone. Reduce enormous amounts of time by not needing an expert on a certain case. You can just ask ISA.

The Challenge 

Information (especially in complex businesses or projects) can be vast and often go way beyond the limit of what humans can process and remember. In an ever more complex world, there should be a simpler way to look up, interact with and get to decisions with your data.

The Solution

GPT is an amazing language processor. However in logic, it still lacks. Different data indexing structures (like google does with websites) are amazing for storing and quickly accessing the right information. ISA will be the perfect marriage between both. Becoming your personal assistant who knows everything about your businesses data.


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