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Participating Teams

Here you can see an overview of all the TU/e Contest candidates and teams. You can also filter on category, cluster of teams that are still looking for members!


Aero Team Eindhoven

Aero Team Eindhoven aims to enable efficient delivery of critical packages through the use of drones. However, the major challenge lies in the limited battery life of the drones. A drone carrying a moderately heavy package can only stay airborne for roughly an hour, and scaling up operations can only improve the range to a certain extent through the use of more efficient drones or improved battery technology.

Team Polar

Our team is trying to solve the problem of executing research on Antarctica. Antarctica is the 5th biggest continent on Earth and conceals many unrevealed mysteries that would illuminate researchers about Earth's past and future. Currently, researchers do their best to understand climate change and the ice melting phenomenon. Although they have one major challenge, which is technology. Currently, the main mean of travel is by using old sherp-type vehicles which are kerosene driven and human controlled. This limits greatly the research possibilities as researchers need to go with multiple trailers full of provisions to reach a further point in the continent. That is the reason why only 25% of the continent is explored.


There is no denying the fact that vehicles make a big dent in the environment, whether it is during manufacturing or running on the roads. However, as a community, we are not yet at the point where people can give up their cars and still fulfil all their mobility needs. But there are some cars out there that are greener than others.


Humanity has travelled to space using electronic chips powering mechanical components. With the constant burst of radiation from the sun and the rest of the universe, data can get corrupted. To combat this problem in space, a lot of defensive measures are taken to keep the gathered data safe. These methods are extremely costly. Next to this, sending equipment to space remains a tricky process. How can we quantify exact issues better? How can we safely transmit/receive data in a different way?

Solar Team Eindhoven

The energy transition is not happening fast enough.


Warehouses, harbors, and airports are demanded to operate at a faster and faster rate every day. Advancements in technologies have allowed this to happen by introducing automated guided vehicles, which have proven effective in these sectors. However, at what cost? These vehicles use big batteries for which content is harmful to the environment after its lifetime. Besides, to build these machines, we exploit many of the planet's rare metals and resources. Financially speaking, it is not very productive to have an area where AGVs can charge and the time it takes for them to be charged.

Flow Sensor

Using a flow sensor which replaces the value in 2C engines and that also eliminates the timing chain, cam shaft etcetera; which increases the efficiency and reduces emissions.

3d print recyclement

A lot of waste that is created while printing is thrown away


Energy is the backbone of every discussion in this day and age. Storing energy after its conversion from various mechanisms, and making a well-connected grid out of it is a challenge. As we dig deeper into scientific knowledge to tackle this, I thought, why not try to obtain energy from the most basic activity: cycling. E-bikes are gaining momentum because of its energy efficiency and rechargeable battery concepts. If we went a step further, can we use the energy stored in the battery to power a house or basic utilities at best?


Over the past few years , as an active intro week parent for the association of Thor , I noticed that a lot of intro kids don't have bikes due to the high demand and low supply. Bike shops around September , knowing that there will be a wave of new students looking forward to buying a bike proceed to overprice the available bikes by a significant factor. Leading to students wasting money on not so great in condition bikes that will eventually need replacement or repair.

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